The Giant Kitty told me it's called the Red Dot Bug.
Looky here!
See, even with the Giant Kitty's help, we couldn't kill it.
It can jump very high up onto the wall where we cannot reach and it can disappear from one spot and suddenly reappear in another.
See, even when the Giant Kitty whaps it with his paw, it still doesn't die.
It's trick. In order to kill the red dot bug, you need to body slam the human. The human is holding a little tube in its paw. You need to break the little tube open. Then the red dot bug will die for good and you will be safe. Only way to kill it.
Yes, the Red Dot Bug is sneaky indeed! And he seems to have magical powers.
That must be a very tiring game for you little fellow. Don't go & get overtired again!!!!!!
Hey, my red dot disappeared over here - I'm wondering if it somehow got to your place!!!
Hey there little B.--don't worry, I've heard that the Little Red Bug is actually harmless. Good luck catching it and putting it out of its misery, though!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
A bug that doesn't die even when whapped? I don't like the sounds of that! If the Giant Kitty cannot kill it, how are us little baby cats supposed to defend ourselves if alone? I do not have a Giant Kitty to protect me! I am scairt!
Let me at it! Let me at it!
I'll kill it for you.
"Oh" the red dot bug is very sneaky.
Be Careful :)
hmmm, this red dot bug issue is puzzulin. Have yoo seen any myootayshuns? Green dot bug? Red square bug? we'll start doin' resurch rite away! Be safe til then...
We have never hunted the red dot big, but it look slike you and Giant Kitty enjoyed the hunt! Maybe they aren't here in the Deep South.
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