Wednesday, March 12

another bug

We caughted a bug today!
There was a huge bug which is not the Red Dot Bug that came into our house.
The Giant Kitty helped me catch it. Then he told me that it is nice to eat. He said I could have it all to myself because it's very yummy. So I nommed it all up.

I don't know why mine Mummy was so upset when she saw me nom the bug up, or why the Giant Kitty was snickering.
Oh, and the bug made me gag. It left a very funny nasty aftertaste in my mouth. But the Giant Kitty said it is yummy, so I guess that is what yummy tastes like.


Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Bugs are salty and crunch and their feets tickle. I do not like them when the human put spray on them then. That makes them not good to eat. Otherwise I like to eat them.

Mr. Hendrix said...

great job catching the bug! some bugs taste yummier than others. spiders are nommy, moths are OK but ladybugs and the orangy beatles are too crunchy and icky.

Cecil the Cougar: said...

That was very good of you to nom it all down so that it could not destroy your house and nom your Mummy down! Some bigs can be very big and scairty. I saw a news clip called Men in Black and the giant bug was going to nom down everyone on earf!

Mickey's Musings said...

I'm not sure why Boy was snickering.Maybe he thought you were going to yak,heehee
Guess you showed him ;)
Purrs Mickey

Daisy said...

Boy is teaching you some very important things.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I guess you'll soon find out what is nice to eat and what's not.

Anonymous said...

I hear bugs taste yummy yet when I eat one I throw up.

Monty Q. Kat said...

What kind of bug was it?

The Furry Kids said...

I have never eaten a bug. I play with them until pieces start falling off them. Did the bug tickle on the way down your throat?

The Giant Kitty seems to be teaching you all sorts of interesting things.


meemsnyc said...

Ewww, we hate bugs! Thanks for visiting our blog. We added you to our kitty friends!