This will be my final rooster shot and after that, I is going to get shot only once a year.
The weather was fine, so mine Mummy and I took a walk to the vet.
At first mine Mummy thought she could get me on the harness and stroll to the vet, but the journey was too interesting for me to walk quickly - every single blade of grass has to be sniffed don't you agree?
So as we were running late for our 930am appointment, mine Mummy had to bundle me into the stroller and jog me to the vet.
Here, i was looking at posters of woofies. Why do they put posters of woofies on the walls? Why don't they put posters of me or the Giant Kitty? We're more handsome than those woofies!
Oh, did you see this pink overall I has on?
It's my new overall. Mine Mummy gotted it for me a while back and today is the first time I wore it!
This is the street outside the vet's place.
There are lots of places with good food here but mine Mummy says they do not allow me in there!
That's so unfair!
This is the first time I've been on the LRT!
Here's the road leading to the LRT station.
Today at the vet, neither Dr Audrey nor Dr Grace was there. Dr Frederik saw me, and I don't think I like him as much as I do Dr Audrey or Dr Grace.
I didn't do my parrot stand on him and I kept on hiding behind mine Mummy.
I think I prefer girl doctors better than boy doctors!
Dr Frederik told mine Mummy she can bring me in anytime after next month for the OPERATION.
WHAT operation do I have to go for???????
I think I'm perfectly well, aren't I?
I do not have to be operated on!!!!!!!
I really think I do not like Dr Frederik at all!
If I really have to go for the operation, I do hope it's Dr Audrey or Dr Grace who does it!
Beethoven, that was great to see all of your travels. You look like you really enjoyed your stroller.
purrs, Shade and Goldie
Beethoven, you must have made quite a sensation at the vet's office with your fancy new overalls. You look adorable! Do not worry about the operation; it will all be over before you even know it!
Nice place you live in. You look cute in your pink overalls too. Giant Kitty says you are not feeling well after the booster; hope you are better soon.
Wow Beethoven, what an adventure you went on! On a train! To the Vet!
You have some great adventures on your trips. Didn't your Mummy realize that you have to sniff every blade of grass, and every plant? There might be something different about the next flower!
Beethoven, is that LRT a train? You gotted to ride on a TRAIN?!? My beans are train nuts and haf little toy trains in our howse, but efun Bonnie never RIDED on a TRAIN! WOW!
... was it scary?
We would be scairt out of our minds riding the LRT. Ours are loud, noisy & they shake terribly. They are real life monsters!
We are sorry you didn't get to see your favorite vet ladies but you were sure cute in your overalls!
I fink I know which operation...and do not worry. I has a phrase to share with you, "Spay/Neuter makes you cuter!" I know that is hard to believe in our cases, since we are such handsome mancats-in-training, but it is true!
Beethoven ...
Your journey looked like it could have taken place in San Diego ... up until you arrived at the LRT. If that LRT were in California, it would be MUCH dirtier an' have graffiti tagged all over it. Yours is so clean!
Next month is your hooha-ectomy?!? How cool for you! You're growin' up!
PeeSss: I LOVE your pink overall. It's furry cute.
Beethoven, your trips to the VET are much more interesting than ours. The Operation is nothing to worry about, we promise!
Awww Beethoven you look so adorable in your new overalls :)
Happy Friday, Beethoven. I have to agree that girl doctors are more fun than boy doctors.
How handsome you look in your overalls. And you're lucky. We've never ridden an LRT. Or in a stroller.
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