I took Daisy's advice and whapped the Giant Kitty on the head, and he started whapping me back again and he forgots he said he was going to ignore me.
Then I tolds him I knowed it was his Gotcha Day and he can have all of my stinky goodness because it's his Gotcha Day and I loves him.
And that put him into a very very good mood.
The bean who gaves me my food didn't seem to be in such a happy mood to see me give the Giant Kitty all my stinky goodness though. It's his Gotcha Day and I is giving him a present! Why can't the bean understand that?
Well, anyway, the Giant Kitty was in a good mood so he tolds me he's noticed that mine Mummy lefted her digital camera at home! And he said that as a treat, he's going to take some pictors of me so I can puts it up on my bloggy and later he's going to show me how to take pictors with the digital camera and I can take pictors of him!
So see here!
This is the pictor that the Giant Kitty took of me!
I is handsome?

So after that, the Giant Kitty taughts me how to take a pictor with the camera and I tooks many many pictors of him.
Aren't they good?

Well! He doesn't know how to appreciate good pictors!